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Presenting AR and VR in One Line- Transmira Is Ready to Bring Metaverse in Practice

For the first time in the history of technical inventions, the world is going to witness an incredible combination of artificial and virtual reality merged in a single platform named Omniscape. Started by a Raleigh-based startup organization, Transmira, this amazing association will drive change by making sci-fi-like metaverse potentially workable. Transmira has pronounced to scale the financial requirement by raising small equity investments.

Several investors from different corners of the world have come together to raise the funds required to present this amazing technology to the world. A well-known technology entrepreneur and the founder of Ayre Group Ventures, Mr. Calvin Ayre is one among the several investors. Ayre expressed his vision about the digital world in an interview where he explained his fascination for the technical world and technological inventions. He was super excited when he came to about Transmira’s approach to combining the digital world with Bitcoin Satoshi Vision to benefit the new XR (AR+VR) metaverse economically. Technology interests Ayre to a great extent. To top his interest, Ayre found that Transmira was using Bitcoin to monetize the mission. According to him, Bitcoin is the perfect platform to subsidize the project for its enormous restoration and scaling powers.


In an interview with the WRAL TechWire, Robert Rice, the CEO, and founder of Transmira, discussed the difficulties he had to face while raising the fund. Fundraising was never a simple thing to do. This year it was even more difficult because of the pandemic outbreak. It has been an actual nightmare for the company, as stated by Robert Rice in his interview. He also explained that Transmira was integrating Omniscape with Bitcoin, as it has a blockchain capable of handling tokenizations and micro-payments and keeping them safe from fraud in the system. This is a noble attempt, as it might keep up with the trust of the potential customers, delivering their service with value.

Robert Rice is obsessed with starting new businesses. His previous startup organizations included a three-dimensional virtual world gaming project in Triangle and a gaming organization in Kentucky. XR (extended reality) is the term coined by Robert himself in the year 2014. He has always been passionate about merging artificial reality with virtual reality. His only intention was to present artificial and virtual reality to the world together as a whole, and not as two different components. His hard work and dedication made it possible for the organization to work as a team and develop Omniscape- a beautiful and incredible platform combining XR and spatial realities capable of creating commercial campaigns and brand experiences by leveraging geography-based data.

The code to success

The secret behind the success of this project is the combination of location with AR and VR monetization. This created the great XR platform! As explained by Robert Rice in his interview, the XR platform is much like a virtual cup of Starbucks coffee that users can retrieve or the real thing.

The company will make certain announcements in the next four or five months, where the CEO might even discuss his marketing plan associated with the project.


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